Thursday, 14 April 2011

* M U S T Have ----> B.O.O.M !!!!!!

OMG Its getting really cold! Winter is not my favourite season but i must say, people look  so dam proper! The Winter Swag is on point** In case you wondering what swag im talking about...check this!! :-)

OMG...Military/Combat Boots are the Thang!! I got myself a pair *hint hint* DO THE SAME HONEY!!
Ladies...Rock those Barrets and Sexy beanies!!*

Oh but Guys can rock beanies...They Magically become hotter or am I wrong??

Military/Combat Boots...H O T Stuff!

They may be old BUT they still hot . . .<BASEBALL JACKETS>

But Kim Kardashian is hot...Hands down!!! Blazer jackets...Invest in one!
These are super sexy...A pair of Vans*

And lastly...Get yourself tons of [O]utrageous and [U]nique Shades. Yes there is no Sun outside but they go with the outfit so hey...WHO CARES? :-)

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