Thursday, 21 April 2011


What happens if u start to doubt your beauty?
What is beauty?
Who can define beauty?
What I not beauty!
You see a Rock?
I don't feel like a rock :-(
*tear drop*
Can I be human...
I'm not happy with who I am.
I wish God could re-design me.
But with my low do I tell people who look up to me to be strong?
"Wow Merri, u have gained weight"
"Ahh chomi u big now"
Well I fucken Get it!!
I just wan to live my life!
I am aware of my situation,u don't have to remind me!
No...I'm not skinny!
So S T O P trying to make me be like YOU!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Monday, 18 April 2011

. . .

So many people out there have this scary mentality! What's this mentality? IM YOUNG!!! That is scary because with that thought comes alot of disadvantages! Let me break it down. . .

1. Guys/Girls like to fool around and use the excuse of being young. Not only are they fooling around but they have a partner called "WIFEY" *smh*. Is it fair on your partner?

2. "I Love you"...Really? If you do, then why do u keep cheating?? If u love someone, you wouldnt be playing them over and over again. The problem is that the partner stays after he/she has cheated several times then now he/she starts taking advantage...And now you left alone,crying but he/she said "I love you"

3. Pretty boy/lady!! Well done ;-) We thank God he has made you beautiful but dont be breaking beautiful hearts. Yes you can have any girl or guy you want but dont be a whore/man-eater!

4. Lead her on then leave her hanging??? Come on!

5. The worst case scenario--> Group of guy friends dare each other to date girls. The girl ends up falling for you then you let her know it was only a dare...Heartbreaking!

6. Mmmm having Multiple partners...Its cool hey? until you get caught!

7. So you in a relationship right? But you have all these guys/girls that you call your 'friends'? Your friendship is on ANOTHER level...dont make trust an issue.

8. If you going to cheat, at least respect me enough to not show it on facebook or twitter!

9. If you not happy in the relationship, why cant you just end the relationship?

10. Dont blame your dirty manners and behaviour on your intoxication because you knew exactly what you were doing!

11. Our so-called 'friends' are busy with your girlfriend/boyfriend!! Ok What Swag is that?

12. If you cheated on me before, you could do it again!!

13. What are your intentions with that person? Dont let the person fall for you then leave her/him.

14. EX FACTORS!! If you dating me, why is she/he still in the picture?

15. Stop lying and tell the truth that hurts sooo much.

16. Stop being childish!! And let God bless you*

And if this is relating you...i hope you will change your behaviour! Im not speaking rubbish because this has happened to people around me and me! I will stop being childish...


Ok Done! I love Nicki Minaj. As i mentioned, she makes me feel like i can rap! So i want you guys to try get the song "Where dem girls at" By David Guetta Ft Nicki Minaj and Flo rida! I dont care about Flo Rida's verse so we will go straight to her verse :) Just listen to it. Man she sounds sooooo cool*

Peebe, peebe, who's people barkin'
Two years ago I renewed my license
Anyway why’d I start my verse like that
Cause I can do it, you can suck on a balls-ck
No no I don’t endorse that, pause that, abort that
Just the other day mi go London, saw dat, kids down the street
Paparazzi, all dat
Hey hey what can I say?
Day day day da-day day
Coming through the club all the girls in the back of me
This aint football why the f-ck they tryna tackle me?
Really, I pick dude at the bar like really, looking like he wanna good time like really
Said he had a friend for my home girl Lilly Lilly, Lilly, Lilly

So many boys in here where do I begin
I see this one, I’m bout to in
Than he said I’m here with my friends
He got to thank us, then thats when he said

What do you think??? *giggles* I love this song, makes me wanna shapa a'get down! Arrgg after her verse, you just want to change the song lol Oh David Guetta is the best!

+ Obsession +

Tremaine Aldon Neverson

This!!!!!! Is my biggest obsession at the moment. Wow this guy is purely amazing. I decided to feature him and give you guys information about him, in case you not quite familiar with him! Wait...I should actually punch you if you dont know him! I hope one day he will visit my blog...Im about to become a twitter stalker!! LOL AND....He has a lil brother ;-) Lol Read...

Name: Tremaine Aldon Neverson
Nickname: Prince of Virginia
Birthday: November 28, 1984
Birthplace: Petersburg, Virginia
Height: 6′1
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: dark brown
Age in which he discovered his vocal abliity: 14
High School: Petersburg High School
Label: Atlantic Records
Musical Inspiration: Smokey Robinson, Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross, R. Kelly.
Parents: April Tucker and Claude Neverson, Jr.
Siblings: two younger brothers, Forrest and Alex and a younger sister, Niki.

-Trey stated in Right On! Magazine that rapping is something he always did, but singing is what got him signed.
-Sung background vocals for B2K's song "Bump Bump Bump"
-Collaborated with rapper Saigon for his first single, "Pain In My Life"
-Collaborated with rapper Drake for his first single, "Replacement Girl"
-He has a cameo in Chris Brown's "Yo" Video.
-Trey said that he got his stage name "Trey Songz" from when he was first recording his album and the producers labeled the demos and tapes "Trey's Songs" and the name stuck ever since.

-Trey has worked with numerous artists, including T.I., Jim Jones, Twista and Dem Franchize Boyz.
-He has also worked with several rappers from Houston, including Paul Wall ("Ridin' Dirty"), Bun B ("Hold U Down"), Young Joc & Marques Houston (1st Time), and Mike Jones (also on "Hold U Down")
-He has released many mixtapes and freestyle mixtapes in which he raps.
-His favorite rapper is Jay-Z.
-Has stated that the only R&B that he could get into as a child was R. Kelly and ironically has a voice similar to Kelly, himself
-Passion,pain and pleasure
-Trey Day
-I Gotta make it
His songs are beautiful and of course he is beautiful* [BBM Whew!]

* * Oooooh Lala * *


Fact File

Nick name: My mom calls me Lala
Birthday: 12 May
Hometown: Vaal,Vereeniging [ Whooppiii we from the same area :) ]
Fav food: Lephuthu le Inkomazi with a dash! Of sugar
Fav drink: Sprite and Lipton red ice tea
Fav Colour: All shades of blue,blisss!
Fav Car: Any modern Big car, like your Ranges, thats G! ;)
Obession: Hahahahaha Chris Brown

Random Questions. . .

Do u have a boyfriend? [Don't lie hehehe]
No but Im in like with someone right now :)

What is your bad quality?
I tend to over analyse and over react

Wat did you eat for breakfast?
All bran flakes, 2 bananas and 2 naaaaaartjies!

Why isn't the number 11 isn't pronounced onety one?
Ask Ma'Leven hahaha he'd have a better idea LOL

Do u speak with your dog?
I do not have 1 mara if I did I probably would!

Define stress and how do u tackle stress?
Stress is when the outcome of an important issue is unknown and there is no way of controlling it , you then become overly anxious . I pray about the things that stress me hey, prayers gives me the courage to deal with the thing that stresses if they are not answered immidiately

What are you wearing right now?
My fav pair of boots right now, military-like ,with tight skinnies to hug my bum just right ;)

Were u bullied as a kid?
Yeah! By this guy called Themba hey but then i realised that he actually just wanted to be my friend. Bad way to start? I know right?

Slikour or Trey Songz?
For real? Hahahaha Mr Steal Your Girl hau!

If you were given the opportunity, Would u enter big brother?
Never that! I appreciate the fact that I can take a shower and not have people watch me! lol

Winter or Summer?
Summer's great bt im gonna go with winter. I love my mom's green bean soup! Ice cream on a cold afternoon, warm blankets and having fam and friends to share that with.

What are you currently doing apart from Tv?
Apart from being on tv, im in my third year, studying Brand Building and management at Vega,Randburg

For those who don't know. . .Tshego is one of the four, phenomenal, youth slot presenters of Qbase28 on Sabc 2. Watch Q-base 28 everyday at 4pm-5pm!!!*

Check out her blog: .

Friday, 15 April 2011

--15 Things to do when you know You're going to fail an Exam--

So i went onto the internet and i saw this funny article based on things that you can do in an exam room when you know you going to fail. Hahaha they so funny!! Im not encouraging anyone to do any of these things. Just want to give you a good laugh! :-)

1. Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming "Nthabiseng, Nthabiseng, I've got the secret documents!!"
2. Make paper airplanes out of the exam. Aim them at the instructor's left nostril.
3. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, "I'm so sure you can hear me thinking. " Then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is.
4. Bring a Game Boy (or Game Gear, etc. . . ). Play with the volume at max level
5. On the answer sheet (book, whatever) find a new, interesting way to refuse to answer every question. For example: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it conflicts with my religious beliefs. Be creative
6. Fifteen minutes into the exam, stand up, rip up all the papers into very small pieces, throw them into the air and yell out "Merry Christmas".
7. Come into the exam wearing slippers, a bathrobe, a towel on your head, and nothing else
8. Do the entire exam in another language. If you don't know one, make one up! For math/science exams, try using Roman numerals.
9. As soon as the instructor hands you the exam, eat it
10. Bring things to throw at the instructor when s/he's not looking. Blame it on the person nearest to you.
11. Comment on how sexy the instructor is looking that day
12. Bring a water gun with you
13. Stand up after about 15 minutes, and say loudly, “Okay,
let’s double-check our answers! Number one, A. Number two, C.
Number three, E….”
14. Trip people as they walk by your desk
15. Get deliveries of candy, flowers, balloons, telegrams,
etc… sent to you every few minutes throughout the exam

Hahahaha i think if i tried these in high school,  the principal would send me to Angie [Minister of Education]. LOL PLEASE DONT TRY THIS!!!! Dont blame me when you get into trouble lol.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

* M U S T Have ----> B.O.O.M !!!!!!

OMG Its getting really cold! Winter is not my favourite season but i must say, people look  so dam proper! The Winter Swag is on point** In case you wondering what swag im talking about...check this!! :-)

OMG...Military/Combat Boots are the Thang!! I got myself a pair *hint hint* DO THE SAME HONEY!!
Ladies...Rock those Barrets and Sexy beanies!!*

Oh but Guys can rock beanies...They Magically become hotter or am I wrong??

Military/Combat Boots...H O T Stuff!

They may be old BUT they still hot . . .<BASEBALL JACKETS>

But Kim Kardashian is hot...Hands down!!! Blazer jackets...Invest in one!
These are super sexy...A pair of Vans*

And lastly...Get yourself tons of [O]utrageous and [U]nique Shades. Yes there is no Sun outside but they go with the outfit so hey...WHO CARES? :-)

Monday, 11 April 2011

Best Friends Till We D I E ! ! *

Since this blog is everything relating to me and you, i just thought i should let you know who my wonderful sister and best friend is. Her name is Ivana Morailane :-). Man i love this girl and i thank God for her. Reasons why i adore her friendship--> She is caring,funny,crazy and beautiful. She knows me in all degrees and angles. She has been there for me through hard times. We may fight but we resolve our issues. I love her because we dont let any guy or anyone get inbetween our friendship. We real to each other. She is trully one of the most important ingridients in my life *smile*

"A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked"

H O T N E S S Only :-)

 Oh Gosh!!* God is wonderful, He has created such beautiful men! You guys might agree or disagree with me on who i think is hot. So feel free to comment and tell me what you think. All the males are probably thinking we are wasting our time...Ya ya we know Meagen Good is hot but for now lets appreciate THIS beauty! Trey Songz, Mario Lopez, Zac Efron, Chris Brown, Usher, L L Cool J, Bow wow, Scott disick...the list goes on!
I really dont know his name...Is it Columbus Short?
I almost added Gucci Mane...ALMOST!
**OH MY GOODNESS** <Dies> <Wakes up> <Dies AGAIN>

Goddess ! ! *

Im  not the biggest movie fan but this lady knows her stuff! She is extremely talented. She keeps you glued to the screen and leaves you wanting more. My favourite movies are Wanted,The Tourist and Salt. Now this lady is fierce and G-A-W-J-U-S!!!

I wont lie, her movies just show us pure lies LOL For example, in Wanted The curving bullets is lies...that stuff doesn't happen in real life hahahaha. You have to give her credit on her brilliant acting! If you havent watched her yourself a BIG favour and hire the Dvds beacause you wont be disappointed :-)

* Whoop Whoop *

You probably wondering why my blog is so P R E T T Y :-). Tshepang Motshwadiba Pimped my blog and i'm loving it* I would like to thank him for his time and effort. Make sure you check out his website and his blog . ***Hustle Hard***

~~>blowing tons of kisses<~~

Aiinnccchh :))))* My Favourite Music Videos . . .

Wiz'Khalifa - Roll Up

Nelly ft. Kelly - GONE

These are my Two favourite Music Videos at the Moment...ENJOY!! :-)

Sunday, 10 April 2011

☀Chuck Norris Jokes☀

So people have been asking for Chuck Norris' jokes!! LoL I don't know if they beat Yo Mama jokes Hehehe anyway here goes ;-) . . .

Chuck Norris doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.
Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
Chuck Norris wears denim underwear
Chuck Norris can hear sign language
Chuck Norris can drown a fish
Chuck Norris's daughter lost her virginity, he got it back.
Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd. No one fools Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris makes onions cry.
Chuck Norris knows Victoria's secret.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice
Chuck Norris can kill your imaginary friends
Chuck Norris tells Simon what to do.
Chuck Norris can delete the Recycling Bin
Chuck Norris once had a heart attack; his heart lost

Hahahaha So Yo Mama or Chuck Norris????

♢Taste of Motivation♢

I'm not the best writer in the world but I'm sure my words can inspire you somehow :-) Forget it...I'm not using Metaphors,similies etc...I hated english!

Nothing is Impossible!! Cliche as it may sound but its true. All you need is motivation,faith determination and commitment! Goals may be short term or even long term. Life does'nt always work out the way we want it to but you can always steer it in the direction you want it to go. The hardships that you go through are the ones that take you a step closer to achieving your dreams! Good cannot exist without bad! You will go through the bad things in life but eventually the good things will occur. Success is not a destination,its a journey! Enjoy and appreciate the journey because once you have reached success,you will have learnt a lot! Don't ever let anyone bring you down. Stay true to your goals and your goals will stay true to you!*

"Defeat is not the worst failure. Not to have tried is true failure" - Lydia M. Child

* * All Back Lyrics * *

This is my favourite track at the moment. Even though he has random out bursts[hahaha]...its still a lovely song!!*

All back lyrics by Chris Brown

Oh oh oh oh oh
If I have a moment
I'd capture that moment
You would be right here next to me
If I have the secret
The secret to your love
I would plant your treasure with me
For my heart
Lock it all up
Throw away the key
I would never give it up
Cause I was just a fool
A fool for you
When I loved you so childishly

And I want it all back
I want it all
I want it all
I want it all back
I want it all back
I want it all
I want it all
You never miss a good thing til its gone
I want it all now, I want it all back

If there is a green light
And its bout to turn yellow
Pedal to the floor cause I know your heart is turning red
If I had the minutes I would turn them into hours
I need the love to your mind and not your body instead
I was just a fool
A fool for you
That didn't know what I had until I lost you
Every single moment that you're not here
Its evident to me that just seems all clear

And I want it all back
I gotta have it all
I want it all
I want it all back
I want it all back
I want it all
I want it all
You never miss a good thing til its gone
I want it all, now I want it all back

Now everything isn't everything
If everything, everything isn't with you
And I want it all back
I want it all
I want it all
I want it all back
I want it all back
I want it all
I want it all
You never miss a good thing til its gone
I want it all, now I want it all back

♥♡How to make anyone fall in love with you♥♡

This article is so interesting...I had to share it with you guys! Lol Do u believe you can make someone fall for you?? Hahahah about you try it? This article will give u ways in making the person like you! I'm sure there is that one girl or guy u'd love to date ;-) Don't forget to let me know how the challenge went!

1. Hang around lots...but then be unavailable

The more you interact with someone, the more they'll like you.So forget about being unavailable in the beginning. Instead, find lots of excuses to spend time with him/her.

Just when you're convinced you've won them over and they like you,start being a little less available. And then even less, until they hardly see you at all.

You've now effectively implemented the 'law of scarcity'. The law of scarcity only makes them want you. Be around and then not around and they'll want and like you.

2. Don't do nice things for them. Let them do nice things for you

If you do something nice for someone, it makes you feel good on two levels. You feel pleased with yourself and warm toward the person you've just spoiled. To justify the effort or expense, we often over-idealise how wonderful he is to deserve it! End result: we like the person more. When someone does something nice for us, we're pleased. But there are a whole lot of other emotions that come into play, and they're not all good.

When we're infatuated with someone, we're desperate to do nice things for them. You're much better off letting him/her spoil you.

3. Give them the eye

Couples who are deeply in love look at each other 75% of the time when talking and are slower to look away when someone else dares to intrude..

Here's how it works: If you look at someone you like 75% of the time when they're talking to you, you trick their brain. The brain knows the last time that someone looked at them that long and often, it meant they were in love. So it thinks okay, I'm obviously in love with this person as well, and starts to release phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA is a chemical cousin to amphetamines and is secreted by the nervous system when we first fall in love.

PEA is what makes our palms sweat, our tummies flip over, and our hearts race. The more PEA the person you want has pumping through the bloodstream, the more likely he/she is to fall in love with you.

4. Don't look away

Couples took longer to look away when someone else joined the conversation. Again, if you do this to someone who's not in love with you (yet), you trick his brain into thinking he is, and even more PEA floods into his bloodstream. They call this technique making 'toffee eyes'. Simply lock eyes with the person you like and keep them there, even when he has finished talking or someone else joins the conversation.

When you eventually do drag your eyes away (three or four seconds later), do it slowly and reluctantly, as though they're attached by warm toffee.

5. Practice pupillometrics

You can't consciously control your pupils (one reason why people say the eyes don't lie). But you can create the right conditions to inspire large pupils and get the effect.

First, reduce light. Our pupils expand when they're robbed of it, one reason why candlelight and dimmer switches are reduced in romantic restaurants. It's not just the softening of light that makes our faces appear more attractive, larger pupils also help.

This means if you're attracted to someone a lot, your pupils are probably already big, black holes. All good. To ensure this is happening or to up the effect of your bedroom eyes, focus on the part of the person you like the most.

Well there you go! Try it and let me know how it goes ;-)

For the complete article, visit

Yo Mama jokes ! !

Yes Chuck Norris Can log out of BBM hahahaha but nothing beats yo mama jokes! I'm going to post few of the jokes...Feel free to comment and post any funny ones :-)

*PS: I'm not offending any Mama...its just jokes!

Yo Mama so ugly...when she applied for the ugly contest they told her 'NO Professionals'
Yo Mama So Ugly...her shadow gave up.
Yo Mama so ugly...when born, the doctors had to fit her incubator with tinted windows.

Yo Mama So Ugly...hotel managers use her picture to keep away the Rats.
Yo Mama So Ugly...they gave her a middle name...'accident'.
Yo Mama so fat...folk exercise by jogging around her!
Yo Mama so fat...when she opens the Fridge it says - 'I give up...'
Yo Mama so fat...She leaves Stretch Marks in the bath tub
Yo Mama so fat...God told her he had no room in heaven and the devil said there was no room in hell
Your Mama So Fat...she could be the eighth continent.
Yo Mama so poor...that your family ate Cornflakes with a fork to save milk
Yo Mama so poor...each night she goes to KFC to lick other folk's fingers
Yo Mama so poor...she hangs the Toilet paper out to dry
Yo Mama so stupid...I told her drinks were on the she went and got a ladder...
Yo Mama So Stupid...when I asked her to purchase me a Colour TV she asked me...'Which colour?'
Yo Mama is so old...she left her purse on Noah's Ark.
Yo Mama is so old...she still owes Moses R5
Yo Mama is so old...when she was at school...there was No history class
Yo Mama is so old... She's got Adam and Eve's autograph

Saturday, 09 April 2011


Wazzzzz Hann'in :-)

Yep my own blog!!!* Il be posting everything relevant to me and you!! LOL lets have fun. Whooppppiiiiiii *BBM Dance*