Sunday, 10 April 2011

Yo Mama jokes ! !

Yes Chuck Norris Can log out of BBM hahahaha but nothing beats yo mama jokes! I'm going to post few of the jokes...Feel free to comment and post any funny ones :-)

*PS: I'm not offending any Mama...its just jokes!

Yo Mama so ugly...when she applied for the ugly contest they told her 'NO Professionals'
Yo Mama So Ugly...her shadow gave up.
Yo Mama so ugly...when born, the doctors had to fit her incubator with tinted windows.

Yo Mama So Ugly...hotel managers use her picture to keep away the Rats.
Yo Mama So Ugly...they gave her a middle name...'accident'.
Yo Mama so fat...folk exercise by jogging around her!
Yo Mama so fat...when she opens the Fridge it says - 'I give up...'
Yo Mama so fat...She leaves Stretch Marks in the bath tub
Yo Mama so fat...God told her he had no room in heaven and the devil said there was no room in hell
Your Mama So Fat...she could be the eighth continent.
Yo Mama so poor...that your family ate Cornflakes with a fork to save milk
Yo Mama so poor...each night she goes to KFC to lick other folk's fingers
Yo Mama so poor...she hangs the Toilet paper out to dry
Yo Mama so stupid...I told her drinks were on the she went and got a ladder...
Yo Mama So Stupid...when I asked her to purchase me a Colour TV she asked me...'Which colour?'
Yo Mama is so old...she left her purse on Noah's Ark.
Yo Mama is so old...she still owes Moses R5
Yo Mama is so old...when she was at school...there was No history class
Yo Mama is so old... She's got Adam and Eve's autograph


  1. Lmao...too funny #Death but Silly though..haaha (G)

  2. Hahaha
    Yo mama so skinny she can hohula hoop in a Chariol
