Monday, 18 April 2011

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So many people out there have this scary mentality! What's this mentality? IM YOUNG!!! That is scary because with that thought comes alot of disadvantages! Let me break it down. . .

1. Guys/Girls like to fool around and use the excuse of being young. Not only are they fooling around but they have a partner called "WIFEY" *smh*. Is it fair on your partner?

2. "I Love you"...Really? If you do, then why do u keep cheating?? If u love someone, you wouldnt be playing them over and over again. The problem is that the partner stays after he/she has cheated several times then now he/she starts taking advantage...And now you left alone,crying but he/she said "I love you"

3. Pretty boy/lady!! Well done ;-) We thank God he has made you beautiful but dont be breaking beautiful hearts. Yes you can have any girl or guy you want but dont be a whore/man-eater!

4. Lead her on then leave her hanging??? Come on!

5. The worst case scenario--> Group of guy friends dare each other to date girls. The girl ends up falling for you then you let her know it was only a dare...Heartbreaking!

6. Mmmm having Multiple partners...Its cool hey? until you get caught!

7. So you in a relationship right? But you have all these guys/girls that you call your 'friends'? Your friendship is on ANOTHER level...dont make trust an issue.

8. If you going to cheat, at least respect me enough to not show it on facebook or twitter!

9. If you not happy in the relationship, why cant you just end the relationship?

10. Dont blame your dirty manners and behaviour on your intoxication because you knew exactly what you were doing!

11. Our so-called 'friends' are busy with your girlfriend/boyfriend!! Ok What Swag is that?

12. If you cheated on me before, you could do it again!!

13. What are your intentions with that person? Dont let the person fall for you then leave her/him.

14. EX FACTORS!! If you dating me, why is she/he still in the picture?

15. Stop lying and tell the truth that hurts sooo much.

16. Stop being childish!! And let God bless you*

And if this is relating you...i hope you will change your behaviour! Im not speaking rubbish because this has happened to people around me and me! I will stop being childish...

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